Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"DIY" Cinderella Purse

When Cinderella came out this year my boyfriend bought me one of the limited edition glass slipper key-rings they were selling at selected Odeon cinemas (δΊΊ´∀`*)♡(˃͈ ΰͺ¦ ˂͈ ༶ )

And I found the perfect match for it! Behold my cute new purse. I'm stupidly proud of how perfectly the rose gold details match! (which I haven't managed to capture 100%).

Purse: Primark (£3) | Keyring: Disney Cinderella (£1.5)

I'm hoping Primark do a matching makeup box/bag so I can have a themed set Ω©(◦`꒳´◦)ΫΆ

Purse: Primark (£3) | Keyring: Disney Cinderella (£1.5)

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